Saturday, February 8, 2014

Creating Books and Book Sculpture

These are two of my book sculptures which I have entered into an open exhibit at Imago Gallery in Warren, RI. The pieces are hung quite high on the wall but still can be viewed well enough from below. I went to the opening wondering what kind of reactions I would get from people because I think they're just fun and different but as an artist, we never know how our work will be received. I was especially happy because the piece on the right in which I titled Flying Away was sold during the opening. The buyer introduced herself to me and told me she loved the piece and had exactly the right spot in her office for it. For me, to make people happy with my art is the greatest reward.

This collection of small drawings are being made into an accordion style handmade book. When I teach colored pencil to my students, I usually draw along with them. I will pick one subject from our still life and work on my drawing while I help them to work on theirs. I have quite a collection of these small drawings so I have decided to put several together into a handmade book which can be displayed. I am part of an upcoming student/mentor exhibit at Spring Bull Gallery in Newport, RI and I plan for my book to be included in the exhibit.

1 comment:

  1. You continue to WOW me with your talent!! So beautiful!!

    So happy for you that you were able to make someone happy with your art!!

    When the Lord gives us a talent to create...we can do nothing else but create! We can't make ourselves NOT do it!

    Blessings to you, my dear!

    I will leave you with this verse: Colossians 3:23 ~ "Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord..."

    May your work continue to be a joy to you, the Lord and to others!

