Thursday, November 10, 2016

New Pet Portraits

 Here are two colored pencil pet portraits I have recently completed, both are with a different technique. The top is of my friend's two cats Marco Polo and Bernini. I worked this on a textured gray Fabriano paper and I can't recall the name of it. I like the texture for the fur and background although my camera picked up more texture and the paper showing through than is actually in the portrait. This piece is approximately 8x10" and framed under glass.

This colored pencil portrait of Tuco was worked on 8x10" Ampersand Pastelbord, the color is Sand. This portrait has less texture, I smoothed out the bottom layers of colored pencil and the background with a soft brush and solvent. Tuco's finished portrait was varnished and framed in a brown floater frame (below).