I got carried away and just about finished the piece. The surface is really gritty because I made my own ground and I think I put a little too much pumice powder in it. I'm having a difficult time getting the pencil go lay smoothly and fill in the grooves. I've tried burnishing with a hard pencil and also with a colorless blender and its not working. So I will put it aside for a day or two and go back to it and see if I come up with any other ideas. The background is done with several shades of blue and solvent. The solvent helped smooth out the background. I suppose I could use the solvent on the whole piece but I'm afraid it might give the apples a heavy, possibly muddy look.
HA! I can't believe this one! Gorgeous! But what's funny is I'm sitting with a plate of candy apples made yesterday - right next to me - ready to paint today! Hope you don't mind - What a fun time of year, hmmm? I love your work, Kendra, and lately its been even MORE fabulous!
Go for it Kelley! Carole Z. is painting candy apples in our studio too. They are such fun ... especially to eat. Thank you for the compliments.
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