Here it is .... my completed piece of the shells. Of all my work, I would say this one was the most challenging. I began it sometime around the beginning of July so its taken me, roughly, 6 weeks to complete ... although it is summer and I had many interruptions and a few boating trips in between. The drawing was so complex, I kept losing my place and found I could only work about 2 hours per day before my eyes started crossing and I gave up frustrated. So it was finished sometime last week and sitting in my studio where I could look at it and let my studio mates comment on it. I scraped off pencil and added more. I splashed on solvent and blended certain areas. In the end, I am very happy with this piece. I like the composition and have decided it looks more dramatic hanging vertical as opposed to the horizontal format. Now onto something less complicated for a while!
This is truly amazing, Kendra. I think it it my favorite piece of yours to date. I hope to see it in person some time!
I have to agree - I think it is a more dynamic piece in this vertical format. Love it! And I can relate to weeks of work because you could only look at it for a couple of hours at a time!
Wow, Kendra! You have whole worlds going on in there! Really beautiful.
Kendra this turned out wonderfully! Congrats. I love the detail and the vertical format.
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