Sunday, February 8, 2009

Beach Stones & Shells

Staying with the beach series, I've decided to work from a photo I took on a rocky beach near our house. I like the contrast of the vibrant colors of the shells amongst the gray and blue rocks. I'm working on the cradled gessoboard with storm blue + white Colourfix primer mixed for the background surface. The size is 12x12". 

I am blocking in the color on the rocks and some of the shells. You can see this on the top. Next I'm adding solvent and more layers of pencil and working each rock while the solvent is still wet. You can see this on the bottom of the piece.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

What is "cradled" gessoboard?

Also, would you mind posting your reference? It's always interesting to see how the artist interprets the subject matter.

Thanks a bunch!